Corso per Agente Affare in Mediazione
Percorso valido ai fini dell’iscrizione all’esame di cui all’art. 2, comma 3, lett. e), della Legge 3 Febbraio 1989, n. 39 e del D.M. 21 Febbraio 1990, n. 300 per l’abilitazione all'attività di AGENTE D'AFFARI IN MEDIAZIONE – AGENTE IMMOBILIARE
CORSO ACCREDITATO DALLA REGIONE CAMPANIA e valido in tutta Italia per mutuo riconoscimento (Direttiva Europea 2005/36/CE recepita dallo Stato Italiano con D.Lgs. 206/2007).
L’obiettivo del corso di formazione professionale è formare il futuro Agente affari in mediazione al fine di trasferirgli le necessarie competenze per affrontare in maniera professionale la segmentazione del mercato dell’intermediazione, trattare in modo corretto le politiche dei prezzi, saper applicare al meglio il metodo di stima e impiegare le più adeguate tecniche di vendita.
Tale corso di formazione professionale di Agente Affari in mediazione /Agente Immobiliare è “obbligatorio” per poter accedere all’esame finale presso la competente Camera di Commercio per l’acquisizione del relativo patentino di Agente Immobiliare e/o di altri settori nell’ambito della Mediazione.
I docenti del corso sono rappresentati da:
- professionisti in materie giuridiche ed economiche
- architetti ed ingegneri specializzati nel campo catastale e peritale
Per frequentare il corso è necessario essere in possesso almeno del Diploma di Scuola Media Superiore.
Per gli stranieri è prevista un'ottima conoscenza della lingua italiana.
Il corso ha una durata complessiva di 150 ore erogate nel seguente modo:
- parte in FAD asincrona (online a con videolezioni registrate dal docente)
- parte in FAD sincrona/videoconferenza (online live con il docente, in cui si tratteranno gli argomenti non trattati nella fad asincrona)
How to become a Real Estate Agent
According to Ministerial Decree 300 of 02.21.1990 and Law 57/2001 , to become a REAL ESTATE AGENT it is necessary to:
- having attended a preparatory training course (preparatory course) at a training center accredited by an Italian Region
- have passed a chamber of commerce exam at the provincial Chamber of Commerce (the course referred to in point 1 will be valid for any Italian Chamber of Commerce)
- the chamber exam will be carried out according to the methods established and indicated in Ministerial Decree 300 of 02.21.1990, therefore, two written tests and an oral test
The written tests will focus on:
- notions of legislation, on the discipline of the profession of mediator, of civil law (with specific reference to real rights, obligations, contracts and in particular the mandate, mediation, sale, rental or rental of properties and companies, mortgage ), tax law (with reference to taxes and duties relating to properties and related tax obligations);
- notions concerning the appraisal, transcription, real estate registers, the land registry, concessions, authorizations and licenses in building matters, communion and condominium of properties, land and building credit, financing and financial incentives relating to properties
Below you can check the schedule of exams to be taken at the Chamber of Commerce:
The students will be administered countless evaluation tests compliant with the exam tests at all the Italian Chambers of Commerce.
- Mediation and mandate
- Introduction to law
- Property and real rights
- Possession and adverse possession
- Communion, timeshare and condominium
- The bonds
- The financial responsibility and the guarantees of the obligation
- The contract in general
- The sale
- Lease and rent
- The mortgage
- The other contracts
- The business and the company
- Credit securities
- Bankruptcy and other insolvency proceedings
- Family law
- Inheritance due to death and donations
- Advertising and transcription
- Tax law: general aspects
- Taxes in the real estate sector
- Urban planning and construction discipline
- The financing
- Buildings
- Offices responsible for registering properties
- The valuation of real estate
- Company estimates
Below you can view a demo of the lessons
Below you can view a demo of the lessons
Preparation course aimed at preparing the Real Estate Agent for the exam at the Chamber of Commerce
Do you already have the preparatory certificate? Do you have to take the exam at the Chamber of Commerce, but don't feel prepared? Follow our preparation courses!
Subjects covered in the preparation courses:
Public and Private Law - Sources, object and subjects of law - Property and real rights - Surface area, emphyteusis, usufruct, servitudes
Duration: 4 hours (4 lessons of 1 hour: from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm)
Bonds - Financial liability and guarantees of the bond - Pledge and mortgage - The deposit - Right of retention
Duration: 6 hours (6 lessons of 1 hour: from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm)
Communion, timeshare and condominium
Duration: 4 hours (4 lessons of 1 hour: from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm)
Buying and selling - Lease and rent - Other contracts (loan, administration, contract, etc.)
Duration: 4 hours (4 lessons of 1 hour: from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm)
The enterprise and companies - Credit securities - Bankruptcy and other insolvency procedures
Duration: 4 hours (4 lessons of 1 hour: from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm)
Family law - Inheritance due to death - Communion and division of inheritance - Collation - Donation - Will
Duration: 4 hours (4 lessons of 1 hour: from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm)
Tax law - Advertising and transcription - Taxes in the real estate sector - Offices responsible for registering real estate
Duration: 4 hours (4 lessons of 1 hour: from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm)
The valuation of real estate - Company estimates - Study and drafting of various real estate appraisals
Duration: 5 hours (5 lessons of 1 hour: from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm)
Delivery and correction of multiple tests administered at the Chambers of Commerce
Duration: 8 hours (8 lessons of 1 hour: from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm)
Expert consultant in real estate auctions and removals
Duration : 60 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
The theoretical-practical course for REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT was created for those who want a highly qualifying and current profession .
Career opportunities : specific consultancy activities - search for potential buyers for participation in judicial real estate auctions.
As regards the activity of REAL ESTATE AGENT , consultancy in auction affairs completes the profession of the aforementioned, providing a highly qualified, efficient service to its customers. The course is mainly aimed at real estate agents, brokers in financial activities, lawyers and accountants who wish to combine a new business with their current one. The course is also aimed at those interested in directly participating in a real estate auction.
Course program:
The real estate guarantee
Real estate expropriation
Forced real estate foreclosure - Real estate foreclosure - Expropriation against third-party owners - Custody of the foreclosed property
The means to avoid real estate expropriation
The purchase before the auction - Conversion of real estate foreclosure - Sale of the foreclosed property
Participation in the auction
Obtaining the information - Evaluation, investigations and subsequent decision to purchase the asset - The interested party in the purchase - The asset being sold - The auction participant
Defects, third party rights and restrictions on the goods
The purchase of the right by the successful tenderer - The rights of third parties and restrictions on the asset - The defects of the asset subject to judicial sale
The forms
Acquisition strategies in the real estate sector
Practical suggestions for Real Estate Agents, new or experienced, who want to stand out in the market
Duration : 30 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
The course is full of strategies, tactics, methods and tools that will help you, with a little effort and desire, to double your business in half the time.
Here are some advantages that you can obtain by taking the course:
- learn a mathematical method for success in real estate;
- know and make best use of the main sources of acquisition;
- take on exclusive assignments, at market prices and with full recognition of the commission;
- build customer loyalty and encourage them to provide you with references;
- receive a greater number of proposals;
- improve your negotiation skills and close more deals;
- develop your business, regardless of whether you are a beginner or an expert.
The course is aimed at real estate agents, whether new or experienced, who want to stand out in the market by offering innovative services that are also useful for standing out from the competition.
The course addresses all aspects related to real estate activities in a theoretical-practical way.
Course program:
The portrait of the professional real estate agent (The common characteristics of professional real estate agents - The nine steps towards professionalism - Selling emotions)
Building a Business with Self-Motivated Referrals (Full Self-Motivated Referrals (PRA) - Difference between PRA and Referrals - A story told by Cindy Rossmeil - How to build a business based 100% on full self-motivated referrals - Other ways to increase the initial database of referrals - How to develop the database - How to get referrals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - How to triple the commissions from each customer - How to transform your business card into a referral generating machine - The best way to retain customers and stimulate referrals)
Planning the work of a real estate agent (Working towards objectives - The production cycle - Conversion rates - Daily planning - How to use the daily planning sheets)
How to find and develop "news" (The sphere of influence - Telemarketing - The area)
The acquisition (The development of the news - Tips for effective use of the telephone - Handling telephone objections - Transforming news into acquisition appointments - How to acquire properties that the owners want to sell themselves - The method used by the seller to determine the selling price of your property - Tips for the acquisition appointment - The tools to obtain the assignment - Managing the acquisition appointment - Qualifying the seller - High impact presentation of the agency's services - Negotiating the price - The DOM model - Management of acquisition objections - Negotiate the assignment and the conditions of sale or lease - Start writing the assignment)
Management of the assignment (The procedure for managing the assignment - How and when to obtain the adjustment of the selling price of the property from the selling owner - How to prepare for a price adjustment meeting - What agents do Successful Realtors to Get Price Adjustment - Frequent Objections During the Price Adjustment Meeting and Their Effective Responses - Making a Difference)
Working with buyers (The 3 M's of real estate marketing - How to create a positive relationship with the buyer - How to gain the buyer's trust - How to qualify buyers - Preparatory properties and the principle of contrast in the real estate sector - How to choose which property to show to buyers - Management of visits - Management of sales objections - The story told by Zig Ziglar)
The real estate negotiation (The purchase proposal - Six rabbits to get a proposal - The procedure for getting buyers to sign a proposal - The structure of the closing - Objections in the proposal phase - Procedures for handling objections in the proposal phase - Closing techniques - Preparing buyers - Essential tips for presenting proposals to sellers - The procedure for presenting the proposal to the seller - Four strategies for handling seller objections in acceptance - From acceptance to compromise - The deed)
The post-sales phase (the activities of the post-sales phase - Joe Girard's technique: the greatest salesman in the world - Abraham Lincoln's advice)
The phases of development of the real estate agency business (Key dimensions of development - Phase one: growth through creativity - Phase two: growth through management - Phase three: growth through delegation - Phase four: growth through coordination - Phase five: growth through participation - Guidelines)
Marketing in the real estate sector
Duration : 30 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
Those who sell houses for a living (agencies and builders first and foremost) know that working in real estate today is not so simple and, if there is one channel that cannot be underestimated, it is the internet.
Today the search for a house takes place on the web, the problem is that most operators continue to do the things they did before and which, today, no longer work, the web can be the way out and the road to prosperity for those works in real estate.
It is certainly not enough to run a good real estate web marketing campaign to sell, there is a need, in fact, for another fundamental step before selling: transforming that "virtual contact" into a "real contact".
This course helps you do just that: learn how to design effective real estate web marketing campaigns and transform the fruit of those campaigns into qualified contacts that will help you sell more and with less effort.
The course is aimed at real estate agents, whether new or experienced, who want to stand out in the market by offering innovative services that are also useful for standing out from the competition.
The course addresses all aspects related to real estate activities in a theoretical-practical way.
Course program:
The target market (The power of questions - Knowing the trend in real time - Having the budget under control - Knowing the cost per contact - Knowing the cost per sale)
Intercept customers with Google Adwords (What is Google AdWords - AdWords: three common mistakes - AdWords terminology - How to choose keywords - Matches - The position of the ad - The structure of a campaign - The creation of the ad - Conversions - Eight valuable tips on AdWords )
Convert visits into contacts with Landing Pages (The landing page - Putting landing pages into competition - Software to create landing pages)
The website: how to turn it into the best seller (Domain: choosing the name of the website - How to behave with those who create the site - The choice of the web agency - The characteristics of an effective real estate site - Mailing list to build loyalty - Website, how much does it cost me? - WordPress or proprietary CMS ?)
Spy on what users do on the site with Google Analytics (Install Google Analytics on the site - Configure objectives - Analyze Analytics statistics - How to find out where users click with heatmaps)
How to transform online virtual contacts into real offline contacts (The importance of transforming requests into appointments - When to respond to requests arriving from the web - How to respond to requests via e-mail - How to respond to requests on the phone - Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up - The rules of follow-up - Send personalized emails)
As use the social network In the real estate sector (Building a social marketing strategy - The five essential behaviors that real estate agents should implement on social networks - Facebook - Linkedin - Google and social networks - YouTube - The "other" social networks)
As use The blog In the real estate sector (The benefits of a company blog - Why does the blog work better today than in the past? - Benefits of a blog in the social media era - Define your communication - Be found - Build your reputation to be told "YES")
Guerrilla real estate marketing
Want to help your agency get more leads, in less time?
Start applying the concepts taught in the training course every day, consistently, and you will see your results grow rapidly.
Duration : 30 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
Real Estate Guerrilla Marketing will revolutionize national real estate marketing!
Today the challenge for real estate agents is to be able to do great marketing with small budgets; those who fail to do so risk exiting the market.
Guerrilla Marketing is the solution for creating effective marketing campaigns at low cost.
This course covers secrets, strategies, tactics and ideas collected over time by successful real estate agents, tactics that can truly grow your market share and increase sales in an extraordinary way.
Among the arsenal of weapons for the success of small and medium-sized real estate agencies in the course, you will find:
- local marketing strategies
- web marketing tactics
- methods to grow and develop your business
The course is aimed at real estate agents, whether new or experienced, who want to stand out in the market by offering innovative services that are also useful for standing out from the competition.
The course addresses all aspects related to real estate activities in a theoretical-practical way.
Course program:
What is Guerrilla Marketing? (The origins and history of Guerrilla Marketing - Difference between traditional marketing and Guerrilla Marketing - Types and principles of Guerrilla Marketing - Why should a real estate agency carry out Guerrilla Marketing campaigns? - Develop a real estate Guerrilla Marketing plan - How Guerrilla Marketing can increase the profitability of your agency)
Real Estate Guerrilla Marketing Tactics (Create your own network - Flyers with tear-off tabs - Organize a marketing contest - Make your answering machine dynamic - Use a signature in your emails - Text private sellers - Always wear something that makes yourself recognizable - Personalize your car - Bar tickets - Door-to-door - Send one personal handwritten note a day - Use your Facebook profile and page - Use the back of your flyers - Create a t-shirt customized to something people care about - Real estate benefits programs - Creative signs - Tie your hobby to your business - Send handwritten greeting cards - Use YouTube! - Host a workshop - Lunch and learn - Manage your reputation online - Build relationships aimed at obtaining references with former real estate agents - Use the "search" button on Twitter - Open House - Build relationships with key people - Bar/restaurant box - Do joint ventures - Create a blog - Organize a tour for buyers - Sponsor competitions in your community - The fine flyer - The sandwich man - Deliver packets of seeds in your neighborhood - Give a cake to the customer who closes the deal - Give a pizza to the buyer on moving day - Use Airbnb - The Christmas tree offered by the agency - Host a fundraiser for charity at your office - Find an online article on the real estate market and comment on it - Write and distribute a press release about yourself and your business at least four times per year - Host or organize a networking event in your agency - Use buyers rejected by credit brokers – Every Friday night, offer a free pizza and a movie to your top client of the week – Organize a volunteer initiative to clean up the neighborhood where your agency is located – Book a stand at a local home improvement show – Make a deal with a gas station - Organize a monthly meeting program called “real estate investing” – Organize a sit-in protest for “good customer service” – Perform random acts of kindness – Mother/Father's Day – Deliver 10 comparative analyzes of market every day to “no agency” vendors in your area – Organize a seminar at a local DIY store – Create a monthly newsletter – Organize a blood donation for your customers –
Give the children of your neighborhood books for their summer reading - Organize a round table on today's real estate market in your area of expertise - Print personalized placemats - "Earplugs" postcards - Create personalized bookmarks - Create a barter section on own website – Create a crazy website on real estate sales – Make branded scarves of your city's football team(s) – Print on banknotes – The big yellow envelope – 10 reasons to get chosen - Write an e-book – Number green – Happy hour – Real estate speed date – Client party – Thank you letters – Off-season postcards – “Just listed” postcard – “Just sold” postcard – Building a referral-based business – Get referrals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – Transform your business card into a referral generating machine – Creative business card – Local market survey – Have lunch with a different friend every day, in a different place – Create a page called “sales” on your site passed” – Make visiting homes fun – Street marketing – Stickers – Billboards – Organize a special event for tasting a wine or a beer – Exclusive picnic for your customer network – Organize an evening at the theater – Organize sports competitions – Organize an art show, together with a local gallery, in one of the houses you are selling – Organize a fashion show in a house you are selling – Organize the presentation of a new car – Use Periscope (or the direct Facebook) – Do podcating – The empty envelope – Adopt orphans – Expired assignments – Souvenirs – Flash mob – Proximity marketing – Leave creative messages when an answering machine answers – Help cards – Sales letters – Dynamic (or itinerant) advertising – Snapchat – Creative window signs – Use platforms like Foursquare – Use Meetup – Use an agency mascot – Flyers on the doors – The points collection card – Develop new contacts every day – Buy the phone number of an agency that has closed – Photograph local events – Initiatives in local schools – Leave your pens everywhere – Put balloons outside your agency – Use Pinterest – Distribute free sandwiches and drinks during your neighborhood football team's match – Regularly frequent certain places – Spend time in bookstores – Create a coloring book for children – Sponsor a sports team – Develop relationships with local media – Organize a carnival party for children)
Real estate agent 2.0
How to increase your business with the MLS
Duration : 30 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
The MLS ( Multiple Listing Service ) revolution in Italy in recent years has brought about a profound revision of the real estate agent profession and all its organizational models.
A mental modernization of the category which, perhaps resting too much on the results of the beginning of the millennium, today needs to find new life both through sharing the business and using truly effective real estate marketing models.
The course is designed for individual, associated or franchising professionals, who will help them change their mentality, pay attention to what is truly important and effective today, and find new ideas and approaches for their business.
The analysis of four sectors: BUDGET, DEVELOPMENT, HUMAN RESOURCES, SALES , will guide the student towards a modern conception of productive activities useful for increasing the buying and selling and the detailed in-depth analysis of each of them, this will constitute that operational compass that is often missing in the succession of the infinite legal, technical and commercial details that this profession so complex forces you to follow.
Course program:
A new way of working (The advantages of sharing - The turning point: building customer loyalty - Let's get busy)
The mental attitude (New habits: habit of always having a great purpose, habit of having great points of reference, habit of focusing on possibilities, habit of taking action, habit of acting without fear, habit of thinking about the next step, habit of realizing competitive strategies, habit of setting standards, habit of being appreciated by customers - High level activities in the services offered to the seller - High level activities in the services offered to the buyer - "Guardian of interest" official)
The 6 rules for being a Real Estate Agent (1st rule: there are only two types of people - 2nd rule: there are only three ways to earn - 3rd rule: knowledge brings self-confidence - 4th rule: selling is cyclical but not for those who live in the present - 5th rule: it takes time to know how to sell well - 6th rule: selling is simple but not easy)
The pillars of the real estate business (1st column: importance versus urgency - 2nd column: potential customers - 3rd column: assignments - 4th column: teams and collaborations)
The 7 basic objective areas ( Motivated prospects - Written assignments - Sales - Money - People - Methodology - Training )
The your self-portrait ( Capacity - Evaluate your abilities - Discover your areas of strength and weakness )
There operational methodology ( The operational methodology - The monetary flow budget sector, the budget of the number of contacts with potential customers, the conversion ratio, what to do with these numbers?, the magic of conversion rates - The development sector: numbers & numbers, making, organizing & managing development, acquisition and personal skills, developing to a high level - The human resources sector: hiring staff, personnel selection, personnel management - The sales sector: who is the salesperson? , profiling on the phone and in person, the mortgage, searching for gold, selling with the MLS, the phenomenon of dis-intermediation, selling & selling, request management, portfolio management, price revision, the sales appointment, enhance the property: staging )
The evaluation questionnaires can be consulted at the teaching secretariat
Design and delivery of professional training courses - EA37
Design, delivery and monitoring of training in asynchronous and synchronous mode with the formagione web application.