Qualifying courses for asbestos removal, disposal and reclamation
Addetto alla rimozione, smaltimento e bonifica amianto (Personale operativo)
Durata: 30 ORE
Corso autorizzato dalla Regione Campania e valido in tutta Italia per mutuo riconoscimento (Direttiva Europea 2005/36/CE recepita dallo Stato Italiano con D.Lgs. 206/2007).
Abilitazione ai fini dello svolgimento dell'attività di ADDETTO ALLE ATTIVITÀ DI RIMOZIONE, SMALTIMENTO E BONIFICA AMIANTO ai sensi dell' art.10, comma 7 del DPR 08.08.1994.
L'abilitazione si consegue attraverso il positivo superamento dell'esame in esito al percorso di livello operativo ai sensi dell'art.10, comma 2 del DPR 08.08.1994.
Modulo 1: Amianto, normativa, caratteristiche e rischi.
Caratteristiche dell'amianto, proprietà fisiche e tecnologiche - Concetti generali sulla tutela della salute e sui rischi lavorativi - Quadro generale sugli obblighi, diritti e doveri dei lavoratori - Rischio amianto e salute umana, danni causati dall'esposizione a fibre di amianto - Normativa per la protezione dei lavoratori e la tutela dell'ambiente: obblighi e responsabilità dei diversi soggetti, rapporti con l'organo di vigilanza- Misure di prevenzione per il rischio specifico, uso corretto dei dispositivi di protezione individuale ( in particolare DPI respiratori) - Esplicazione delle finalità degli accertamenti sanitari preventivi e periodici sugli esposti di amianto.
Modulo 2: Procedure di lavoro nelle attività di rimozione, smaltimento e bonifica materiali contenenti amianto.
Procedure e tecniche di intervento di rimozione, smaltimento e bonifica materiali contenenti amianto - Tecniche di stoccaggio dell'amianto - Procedure in caso di incidente (comunicazione ad autorità competenti, sicurezza della circolazione, utilizzo di equipaggiamento di protezione, ecc.)
Per gli studenti stranieri, al fine di ottimizzare la didattica, oltre all'italiano, per gli stessi sarà somministrato, su richiesta, materiale didattico in altre lingue: inglese, francese, rumeno e albanese.
Requisiti di ammissione al corso:
- Diploma di scuola media inferiore
- Per gli stranieri, conoscenza della lingua italiana attraverso un test di valutazione
Didattica formativa ed esame:
- 16 ore: lezioni teoriche
- 14 ore: laboratorio/esercitazione
Esame finale abilitante in videoconferenza da svolgersi attraverso un colloquio orale con la commissione nominata dalla Regione Campania.
Responsible for managing the removal, disposal and remediation of goods containing asbestos (Management)
Course authorized by the Campania Region
Duration : 50 HOURS
Wait introductory (asbestos: definitions - where and how it is possible to find asbestos - the dispersion of asbestos in the environment and in waste management - substitute materials);
Health aspects (effects linked to exposure to asbestos - manual handling of loads - physiological aspects linked to prolonged use of PPE - health surveillance - organization of emergency management on asbestos remediation sites);
Personal protective equipment (choice and correct use of PPE - specific PPE for asbestos remediation activities - correct use and maintenance - main problems relating to the use of PPE);
Methods and techniques for remediation of asbestos in friable matrix (reclamation techniques - methods for identifying and choosing the remediation technique - organization of the remediation site - correct operational work procedures in asbestos remediation activities in friable matrix - criteria and procedures for the issue of the certificate of restitution of the environments - theoretical-practical presentation of the main problems that can be encountered on reclamation sites - work plan);
Methods and techniques of remediation of asbestos in compact matrix (remediation techniques - methods for identifying and choosing the remediation technique - organization of the remediation site - correct operational work procedures in asbestos remediation activities in compact matrix - theoretical presentation - practice of the main problems that can be encountered on reclamation sites - work plan);
Construction site aspects carried out with the aid of multimedia means (particularities of the construction site as a working environment - risk of falling into void - electrical risk - risks related to the use of machinery and equipment - specific risks of the reclamation site);
Technical-regulatory aspects (notes on current legislation - the figures foreseen within the reclamation site and their responsibilities - notes on Legislative Decree 626/94, Legislative Decree 81/2008 - Notes on Legislative Decree 494 /96);
Waste (definitions - current legislation - classification of waste - classification of waste - operating methods in the management of waste containing asbestos - accumulation and storage in places of production - criteria for the transport and final disposal of materials containing asbestos);
Environmental monitoring ( environmental assessment strategies - professional exposure - environmental exposure - methods of measuring asbestos fibers - environmental monitoring);
Communication (general aspects of communication - methods of choosing communication methods);
Operational aspects (route of the production process - preparation of documentary aspects - organization of the construction site - communication to employees - management and controls of the production process);
Course admission requirements:
- Primary school diploma
- For foreigners, knowledge of the Italian language through an evaluation test
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered partly with asynchronous FAD (with video lessons recorded by the teacher) and partly with synchronous FAD (live video conference with the teacher)
- final exam via videoconference to be carried out through an oral interview with the Commission appointed by the Campania Region
Legislative Decree 04.09.2008 n. 81, Title IX, Chapter III:
art. 257, paragraph 1 (information of workers) - without prejudice to the provisions of art. 36, the employer provides workers, before they are assigned to activities involving exposure to asbestos, as well as their representatives, with information on: the health risks due to exposure to dust coming from asbestos or materials containing asbestos - the specific hygiene rules, including the need not to smoke - the methods of cleaning and use of protective clothing and personal protective equipment - the particular precautionary measures to be taken to minimize exposure - the existence of the limit value referred to in art. 254 and the need for environmental monitoring
art. 258, paragraph 1 (worker training) - without prejudice to the provisions of art. 37, the employer ensures that all workers exposed or potentially exposed to dust containing asbestos receive sufficient and adequate training at regular intervals.
The course program is developed on two learning levels, so that you can operate in the sector by updating knowledge and skills based on current regulations:
Aggiornamento per Addetto alla rimozione, smaltimento e bonifica amianto (Personale operativo)
Durata: 8 ORE
Duration : 8 HOURS
Module 1: legislation and PPE
- The legislation on hygiene and safety in the workplace and legislation on asbestos - PPE for asbestos: description of the various prevention systems with particular regard to the use of respiratory PPE - The legislation on hygiene and safety on workplaces workplaces and asbestos legislation - PPE for asbestos: description of the various prevention systems with particular regard to the use of respiratory PPE.
Module 2: implementation of the work plan, processing and transport of materials and people
- Implementation of the work plan - The construction site for work on compact materials relating to removal procedures - Storage and packaging of waste - Procedures for waste disposal - Transport and disposal of waste in landfill - Treatment of materials and decontamination of materials and people - The construction site for activities in the presence of friable materials - Preparing the rooms and setting up the construction site - Static and dynamic confinement - Use and management of aspirators equipped with absolute filters and air extractors-filter replacement - Assembly of the decontamination cabin - Different routes for contaminated personnel and materials - Preliminary treatment, material imbibition techniques, removal, material packaging and decontamination techniques - Personnel dressing and access procedures - Decontamination of respiratory PPE and work equipment - Undressing procedures and decontamination systems - Storage and disposal of waste.
Final exam to be carried out through a multiple choice test
Course admission requirements:
- All those in possession of the first training qualification certificate
- For foreigners, knowledge of the Italian language through an evaluation test
The course program is developed on two learning levels, so that you can operate in the sector by updating knowledge and skills based on current regulations:
Percorso formativo:
Aggiornamento per Responsabile gestione di rimozione, smaltimento e bonifica di beni contenenti amianto (Gestionale)
Durata: 12 ORE
Duration : 12 HOURS
Module 1: regulations and PPE:
- The legislation on hygiene and safety in the workplace and legislation on asbestos - PPE for asbestos: description of the various prevention systems with particular regard to the use of respiratory PPE - The legislation on hygiene and safety on workplaces workplaces and asbestos legislation - PPE for asbestos: description of the various prevention systems with particular regard to the use of respiratory PPE.
Module 2: implementation of the work plan, processing and transport of materials and people
- Implementation of the work plan - The construction site for work on compact materials relating to removal procedures - Storage and packaging of waste - Procedures for waste disposal - Transport and disposal of waste in landfill - Treatment of materials and decontamination of materials and people - The construction site for activities in the presence of friable materials - Preparing the rooms and setting up the construction site - Static and dynamic confinement - Use and management of aspirators equipped with absolute filters and air extractors-filter replacement - Assembly of the decontamination cabin - Different routes for contaminated personnel and materials - Preliminary treatment, material imbibition techniques, removal, material packaging and decontamination techniques - Personnel dressing and access procedures - Decontamination of respiratory PPE and work equipment - Undressing procedures and decontamination systems - Storage and disposal of waste.
Final exam to be carried out through a multiple choice test
Course admission requirements:
- All those in possession of the first training qualification certificate
- For foreigners, knowledge of the Italian language through an evaluation test
Anyone who wishes can request a laminated LICENSE LICENSE with the photo of the qualified person.
The certificate details, the type(s) of course(s) undertaken and the expiry date of the course(s) will be shown on the back of the license.
Below you can view a demo of the lessons (asynchronous fad)
Below you can view a demo of the lessons (asynchronous fad)
NB This course does not qualify for the removal, disposal and remediation of asbestos.
RRA Asbestos Risk Manager pursuant to Ministerial Decree 06.09.1994
Duration : 16 HOURS
Description and purpose of the course:
Asbestos is a substance that has had numerous uses at an industrial level and is widely spread throughout the national territory.
In Italy it constitutes an extremely complex problem that involves economic, social security, health and environmental aspects.
With regard to MCA (Materials Containing Asbestos), current legislation does not necessarily require their remediation and disposal, but essentially requires the adoption of a management system for the problem aimed at minimizing the risk of exposure to asbestos fibres. both for the internal and external manager and for the planning of remediation interventions based on actual needs.
To achieve these objectives, the Employer or the Owner of the property or the Manager of the activity has the obligation by virtue of the Ministerial Decree 06.09.1994 to designate the figure of the Asbestos Risk Manager ( RRA .) with tasks of control and coordination of all maintenance activities that may affect the MCA.
Therefore, the objective of the course is to train a technician who takes on the role of Asbestos Risk Manager ( RRA ).
Course admission requirements:
- course delivered entirely in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam to be carried out through a multiple choice test
Provision of the information path:
- course delivered entirely in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam to be carried out through a multiple choice test
Course program:
- The reference legislation
- Location and characterization of building structures
- Risk assessment
- Remediation methods
- On-site asbestos materials control program - Procedures for custody and maintenance activities
- Safety measures to be respected during reclamation interventions (site preparation - site testing - decontamination area - worker protection - removal techniques - packaging of waste containing asbestos - methods of removing waste from the work area - removal techniques encapsulation - decontamination of the construction site - protection of areas outside the work area - environmental monitoring)
- Criteria for certifying the returnability of confined environments
- Asbestos-cement roofing
Technical Manager of Waste Management
Description and recipients of the course:
The course is aimed at training technicians capable of managing companies in the environmental sector and ecological services, whether public or private, registered in the Register of Environmental Managers and to prepare them to take the relevant qualification exam. The figure of the Technical Manager of Waste Management is an essential/mandatory figure for all companies that carry out activities of:
- collection and transport of urban and similar waste
- collection and transport of non-hazardous special waste
- collection and transport of hazardous waste
- waste intermediation and trading activities without detention of the waste itself
- site reclamation
- remediation of goods containing asbestos
Categories 1, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10
Exam preparation course at the Chamber of Commerce
Duration : from 16 HOURS to 80 HOURS
Cat. 1: collection and transport of urban waste
Cat. 4: special non-hazardous waste
Cat. 5: special hazardous waste
Cat. 6: cross-border transport of waste
Cat. 8: intermediation trade of waste without possession of the same
Course program (full 80 hour course):
Module 1 (basic module) - mandatory for all categories
- Waste legislation: Italian and European - General framework of national environmental legislation (principles of parts I, II, III, V and VI of Legislative Decree 152/2006) - Framework of responsibilities and skills of the Technical Manager - Tasks and obligations of the National Register of Environmental Managers - Ministerial Decree 120/2014 - Safety at work - Exercises using multiple choice evaluation tests
Module 2 (specialist for categories 1 - 4 - 5)
- Road transport regulations - Regulations on the transport of waste - Regulations on the circulation of vehicles - Regulations on the transport of dangerous goods - ADR - Behavior in the event of an accident - Exercises using multiple choice assessment tests
Module 3 (specialist for category 8)
Definitions and responsibilities - Specific administrative obligations relating to the intermediation and trade of waste and administrative registrations in environmental matters - Shipments of waste regulated by EC Regulation no. 1013/2006 - Definition of internodal transport - Notes on commercial law - Exercises using multiple choice evaluation tests
Module 4 (specialist for category 9)
- Reclamation planning - Reclamation intervention techniques - Soil reclamation - Safety measures - Groundwater reclamation - Waste storage techniques - Workplace prevention and safety techniques with specific reference to reclamation operations (monitoring and environmental controls) - Exercises using multiple choice assessment tests
Delivery of the training course:
Module 5 (specialist for category 10)
- Main legislation on the cessation of asbestos - Remediation planning and drafting of the work plan - Intervention techniques for remediation of goods and artefacts containing asbestos - Asbestos storage techniques - Hygiene and safety at work with specific reference to the handling of asbestos and temporary construction sites - The responsibility and duties of the management of management activities - Exercises using multiple choice evaluation tests
During the training course, the student will be given many multiple choice tests, divided by category.
- course delivered entirely in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam to be carried out through a multiple choice test
It is possible to purchase the entire 80-hour course (basic module + categories 1, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10), or alternatively the individual modules:
- Basic module: 16 HOURS
- Basic module + Categories 1 and 4: 24 HOURS
- Basic module + Category 5: 32 HOURS
- Basic module + Category 8: 24 HOURS
- Basic module + Category 9: 32 HOURS
- Basic module + Category 10: 32 HOURS
Provision of the information path:
- course delivered entirely in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam to be carried out through a multiple choice test
Waste management according to EU Directive 2018/851 and Legislative Decree 09.03.2020 n. 116
Duration : 20 HOURS
The waste management regulations contained in Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments have been radically modified by Legislative Decree 116/2020, which implemented EU Directive 851/2018.
The new Legislative Decree is innovative compared to the previous text as it has introduced numerous changes which concern, in particular, the extended responsibility of the producer and a new classification of waste, as well as the Electronic Waste Register, which constitutes the new traceability system some waste.
The decree also focuses heavily on the prevention of waste production and on a new eco-compatible way of producing which is called " circular economy " (i.e. an economy designed to be able to regenerate itself).
The course analyzes all the new waste regulations, highlighting the differences compared to the previous one, directing the student/professional towards the correct interpretation and application of the new law text.
Course program:
- Waste and by-product after Legislative Decree no. 116/2020
- Waste recovery, simplified procedures and the END OF WASTE
- Definitions and repeals
- Waste classification
- Traceability of waste: registers and forms
- The regulation of authorizations
- Registration in the Register of Environmental Managers
- The new extended producer responsibility, packaging and packaging waste
- Particular categories of waste
- Sanctions
Waste and water sampler technician UNI EN 10802:2013 standard
Duration : 8 HOURS
The UNI EN 10802 standard, which came into force on 06.08.2013, describes the process of a sampling plan, the manual sampling techniques of liquid, granular, coarse, monolithic waste and sludge in relation to their different physical state and short-term conservation term., the procedures for reducing the size of waste samples collected in the field, in order to facilitate their transport to the laboratory, the documentation for the traceability of sampling operations, the procedures for packaging, conservation, storage of the sample in the short term and the transport of waste samples, the procedures for reducing the size of samples for laboratory analyzes and the procedures for preparing and analyzing eluates.
Course program:
- Process of defining a sampling plan
- Manual sampling techniques of liquid, granular, pasty, coarse, monolithic waste and sludge in relation to their different physical state and short-term storage
- Procedures for reducing the size of waste samples collected in the field, in order to facilitate their transport to the laboratory
- Documentation for the traceability of sampling operations
- Procedures for packaging, preservation, short-term sample storage, and transportation of waste samples
- Sample size reduction procedures for laboratory analysis
- Preparation and analysis procedures of eluates
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered entirely in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam to be carried out through a multiple choice test
Environmental matrix sampling technician
Duration : 8 HOURS
The training course introduces soil/land and water sampling techniques, sample conservation and investigation methods for the study of metal and organic speciation.
The course is aimed mainly at environmental consultants (Engineers, Geologists, Agronomists, Chemists, Biologists, etc.) and in general at all those who intend to expand their knowledge regarding the sampling of environmental matrices.
Course program:
- Sampling and conservation methods, also for the purposes of determining the specialization of metals and non-metals of environmental interest
- Sampling techniques and conservation of water and soil samples with particular reference to organic contaminants
- Rapid analytical techniques for the determination of metals and organics of environmental interest
- Analytical quality control
- Statistical and graphic techniques to be used for the processing of chemical and chemical-physical data using electronic spreadsheets
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered entirely in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam to be carried out through a multiple choice test
Arianese Montaggi Srl - Ecologia Russo e figli Srl - Riciclando Srl - Vs Costruzioni Srl - NU.BA. Multiservice Srl - Falcone Ecologia Srl - Mondo Ecologia Srl - Ricicla Srl - Bonifica Amianto Srl - Co. Eco. Srl - De.Co.Am. Srl - DHI Spa di Nardi Holding Industriale - Eco Bel.Fer. Srl - Ecorif Srl - ESI Ecologia e servizi italia Srl - Ever Power Srl - G.F. Lavori Srl - Geos Srl - Griner Costruzioni Srl - G.S.C. General Service and Constructions di Di Pilma - Rua Ecology Services Srl - Sardella consulenze Srl - Serao Costruzioni di Serao Luigi - T.L.Z. Srl - 4C Ecosoluzioni Srl - 4C Multiservizi Srl - Ambiente & Ricerca Srl - Cooperativa Sociale San Matteo - Edac Salerno Edilizia Acrobatica - Edil Milione Vincenzo & F.lli Srl - Fratelli Celentano - Gruppo Pagano Srl - Metal Cilento di Abate Luigi - M.G.M. Spa - Sud Service Soc. Coop. a rl - Vera Ecologia Srl - Vi.MA. Srl - BO.I.ECO. Srl - C.A.L.L. Srl - Cooperativa Sociale I.S.A. - C.G.F. Srl - Costruzioni Busad Srl - Dama demolizioni e smontaggi Srl - De.c.a.b. strutture Srl - Eco Drin Srl - Ecoleuropa Srl - Ecologia e Bonifiche Srl - Ecologica Sud Srl - Ecorisorse Srl - Edil Camaldoli Sansone Srl - Edilizia su corda Srl - Epsilon 2000 Soc. Coop. a rl - F.lli Giordano Srl - Genieco Srl - G.E.S.A. Srl - Impero Costruzioni Srl - Intpoliuretani Sas di Della Corte Domenico - Kosmo Ecological Service Srl - Lab Service Srl - Lima impianti di Massimo Guarracino - Napla Service Srl - Nascap Srl - Progetto Napoli Est Srl - Tecnomontaggi Srl - Tirreno Power Spa - Xeco Srl - Eco Ambiente Srl - G.F. Service Srl - Ecovallo Soc. Coop. a rl - Due Golfi Ecologia Srl - Perna Ecologia Spa - B.C.E. Silvestre Srl - NDN Ecorecuperi Srl - Tiger Srl - Ifrat Srl - A.N.P. Strutture di Norato Antonio - MIL.CI. Srl - Guarino Costruzioni Srl - Luongo Impianti di Luongo Giuseppe - Pollution Srl - Grifo ecologia Srl - B.G. Engineering - AM Green Building Srl - E.C.O.M. Multiservice di Filippo Iadevito - AM Green Building Srl - Fod Bonifiche Srls - Edil Veloce Srl - Teco srl - Relli Carlo - Olive Coperture Group
Antinia Srl - Ecolapinto Srl - Edilegno di Dimauro Luciano - Edilferro Soc. Coop. a rl - Enerbuilding Srl - Sanambiente Srl - Upgrading Services Spa - Industrie Fracchiolla Spa - Metaleco Srl - Costruzioni e rimozioni Srls - FA.VI. Costruzioni Srl - Indicos Srl - Minnini Costruzioni Srl - Tecnoplus Sas di Romeo Raffaele - Vilona Uxo Srl - Demo.Co.S. Srl - Cascione Costantino Srl - CF Ambiente Srl - Eco Sud Ambiente Srl - Geo Ambiente Srl - Impresambiente Srl - Nuovapanelectric Srl - Punto amianto di Corvaglia Angelo Flavio - REI Recupero Ecologico Inerti Srl - De Felice Scavi di De Felice Francesco - Gum Service Srls - Metalgum Srl - I.M.T. di Fedele Cosimo & C. Snc - Mancarella Pietro Srl - Maren Srl - San.Eco. Sas - Edilverde Srl - Leuce Srl - Iaia Ebea Sud - Iaia Ecologia - &CO Società cooperativa - SI.ECO Spa - Azienda meridionale servizi ambientali Srl - Ecologica Spa - Eco-Trend Srl - Ediliziambiente del Geom. Bruno Cosimo Damiano - Ecologica 2000 di Pistoia Luigi Srl - Aria Srl - Lavori di ristrutturazione ambientale, stradale e impianti tecnologici di Matera Arcangelo - Simisistemi srl - Aurora
Ecoservice srl - Recikla Srl - Pasquale Verone - MGM srl
Edil Lamiere Srl - Falbit Srl - La Carpia Domenico Srl - Smeda Srl - Gea Group Srl - Aramino Metal Tech Srls - Bonaventura Srl - E.B.C. Environment Building Corporation Srl - I. & S. Intermediazione e Servizi Srl - Pellicano Verde Spa - 2 M Snc di Mecca Leonardo - Isolsistem Srls - Intermediazioni e servizi Srl - Amaranto Srl - Semataf Srl - Lucana spurghi Srl - EKA S.R.L.
Edilmastro Srl - Enviro Service Srl - Favellato Claudio Spa - Di Nizio Eugenio Srl
Eco Ambiente Srl - Eco Piana Srl - S.E. Servizi Ecologici Srl - Eco Triparni Srl - Nice di Pontoriero Bianca Rosa - Ecosistem Srl - Serre Eternit di Garcea Gessica - Vescio Trasporti Sas di Vescio G. & C. - Forciniti Costruzioni e Servizi per l'ambiente Srl - Helproof Srl - Oikos 2000 di Cardamone Agostino - Servizi Ecologici di Marchese Giosè - Varenne Village Srl - Manage servizi - Ditta edile Fabio Riente - Econova Srl - Ecolog Italia Srl - Euro Edil Impianti Srl - Edil Dia Srls - Milleservizi di Danilo Talarico - Serre eternit Srl - Calabra maceri e servizi Spa - Edil Service Talarico Srl - Ecoproget SAS - Edil Service Calabra Srl -BE.CO.GEN. di Bellissimo Ermanno - ECO 2000 di Demasi Antonio - FOR.MA di Mandaradoni Fortunato - CANALE srl
R.B. Recuperi 2000 Srl - CSE Service Srl - Cover up Società cooperativa - Safram Costruzioni srl
Bonifiche laziali Srl - B.Recycling Srl - CO.IM.PE. Srl - Eco Edil di Spalvieri Massimiliano - Ecologica Spa - Eco Transfer Srl - Fornari Ecologia Italia Srl - Galathea Costruzioni Srl - Gral Costruzioni Srl - Green Service Srl - Intereco Servizi Srl - Mattucci Srl - M.M. Ristrutturazioni e Servizi Srl - Pomili Demolizioni Speciali Srl - Pragma Srl - San.Eco. Recuperi Srl - SDI Srl - Ser.Eco Srl - S.I.CO.I. Sas - Sirio Ambiente & Consulting Srl - 2M Psc Srl - Castaldi Srl - Ditta Claudio Rosario Riggi - Edil Pittura Sorana Snc - Lombardi Srl - Marteco Srl - Multiservice Srl - Servizi Ambientali Soc. Coop. a rl - Costruzioni Guglietta Abramo Srl - Doge appalti Srl - Piramide Servizi Srl - Renew It Srl - Edilizia STS Srl - Ditta Rita Adolfo - Gea Consulting Srl - Edilambiente Srl - Isam Srl - S.A.C.C.I.R. Spa - ASB Srl - Impresa edile rita Srl - Enviro Service Srl - Antinia Srl - Di Duca Costruzioni Srl - Flear Srl - Assa Srl - Fel Costruzioni Srl - Permare Srl - Trash Trans Italia Srls - Pragma Società Consortile a. r.l.
Bulding Italia Srl - Cicolana Servizi Soc. Coop. a rl - Ecò Srl - F & M Ecotecnosistemi di Speranza Matteo - G.R.A.F. Ecoedile Srl - Gea Consulting Srl - La Teatina Sas di Marianna Verna & C. - Milleniumcoop Soc. Coop. a rl - Cogepi Sas - Isolmontaggi Srl - Nuova Bauchemix Srl - Ecologia & Trasporti Srl - Tegos Srl - Athena srl
Ecocentro Demolizioni Srl - Co.Te.Am. Snc - Fonni Costruzioni Snc - Locci Dario Srl - Ser.Co Srl - Eco Olbia Srl - Logudoro Bonifiche Srl - Verde Vita Srl - Novapa Srl - Nuova Panelectric Srl - Eco.Ste.Ma. srl - Ecotrasporti di Porta Gian Luca & C. Snc - Discava Srl - Green Service Società Cooperativa a rl - Nuova Sismet Srl - Eco.Sarda Srl - É Ambiente srl
Medi Costruzioni Srl - Energiambiente Srl - Vitagreen Srl - S.E.A. di Ingargiola Maria Luisa Srl - S.E.A.P. Società Europea Appalti Pubblici Srl - Lvm Srl - Solesi Spa - Selema Srl - MD Srl Rimozione Amianto e Trasporti Rifiuti Speciali - Castrovinci costruzioni Srl - Sicilscavi di Spampinato Salvatore - Fiap Srl - Idroclima di Cipriano Giuseppe - Gielle Multiservices Srl - Puccio Impianti Srl - Idromeccanica Srl - Società Cooperativa Edilizia Nuova a rl - Onofaro Antonino Srl - Ditta Musumeci Francesco - Ecoedil & Logistic Srl - 91026 Project And Building Srls - Munafò Daniele Costruzioni - Oasi Sas di Zinna Massimo & C. - Siciltetto Srl - Quadrifoglio Group Srl - L'Ammiraglia Recuperi Ambientali di Emilio Ferraro - Sileco Group Srl - Impresa Puccia Giorgio - E.Consul di Rizza Carmelo - Chiofalo Costruzioni Srl - Patriarca Srl - Eco Solution Srl - Mangano Traslochi
Servizi & Logistica srl - Eurofiere srl - Ekso srl - M.D. Srl - Balistreri srl - Cosman Srl - Seminara Leonardo Srl - Ser.Eco. Srl - Natur@mbiente srl
Eco Bonifica di Contardi Alessandro - Tecna Ambiente Srl - Isol Eco di Perugini Sandro - Sato Srl - Italiana servizi di Iancarelli Iacopo - Marzetti srl
Brajnik srl - Edilizia 2000 di Persello Renato - Making Srl - F.lli Sebastianis di Michele Sebastianis & C. Snc - Ecostile Srl - Benpower Srl - Gaiambiente Srl - Rexhepi Agim - C.M.R. Srl
AF Service Srl - General Metal Srl - Depar Srl - Ditta Deplano Alessio & C. - Aseco Srl - Abs Work Srl - Carpenteria Padana Rimozione amianto Brescia - Covers Coperture Srl - Ducoli Achille Srl - Edilemma di Sanzogni Marco - Emme Erre Coperture Srl - Tecnedil di Bonometti Mauro & C. - Effeci Coperture Srl - Emmedi Energy Srl - Mae Ambiente Srl - Rita & Partners Srls - Lattoneria in genere Sas di Davide Bignami & C. - Si. Tec Srl - Ditta Tosi Stefano Lattoniere - F.lli Gallazzi Lattonieri Srl - MR Coperture Srl - Cugini Ambiente di Cugini Irene - Fibro Service Srl - KL Srl - Virtus Srl - Alca Srl - Merenda e Podavitte Srl - Italsud coperture Sas di Pucino Biagina & C. - Impresa edile Ferrari Srl - Atalattoneria Srl -Teder Srl - Multicoper Srl - Edilitam Srl - Ghezzi coperture di Ghezzi Cristian - Tecnotetto Srl - Edil Rosa di Rosa Vincenzo - Ditta Fortuna Srl - Tettosano Costruzioni Generali Srl - LM Srl - ML Costruzioni Srl - Bioremediation Srl - Olivini coperture Srl - HD Ambiente Sicurezza Srl - Sisco Srl - Coper Lux Srl - Sea Servizi Srl - Ser...vizi per l'ambiente Srl - Savoldelli Srl - Edilfratelli Srl - P.M. Coperture Srl - Ziliani Daniele Srl - Nuova Lombarda Coperture di Rexhaj - Bettoni di Rachele Bettoni - Lattoneria Bignami Srl - Geeenthesis Spa - My Advance Group Srls - 2M Srl - Lampo Srl - Lafede Srl - Costruire e Progettare in Lombardia Srl - A.D. Bonifiche Ambientali Srl - Ruffo Tecnologie Ambientali & Partners srl - D'Amico Managment - EB Ambiente - Ecozani srl - I-Z Energy Srl - MGA Costruzioni srl - Società E.CO srl - RIM Costruzioni srl
Eco3 Toscana Srl - Cooperativa Autotrasportatori Fiorentini - CAF Società Cooperativa a rl - Ecoteti Srl - Recchia Michele & Raffaele Snc - Iris Srl - STC Srl - Impermeabilizzazioni di Skerma Petrit - Red Sas di Elena Ronconi & C. - Coop A5 - MF Ecologia Srl - EWR Srl - Hoti Costruzioni Srls - L'Arca 2000 Edilizia Tecnica Sc - Pluriservice Srl - Ditta Francesco Cavallo - Bonifiche Grandi Siti Srl - Alea Srl - Toscana System Srl - Teseco Bonifiche Srl - Galletti Amerigo & Arias Srl - Thermometano Srl - D.K. srls
Carlesso Coperture Srl - GSA Gruppo Servizi Ambientali Srl - B. Energy Srl - Nuova Giro Srl - Ec-AM Sas - 3D di Defendi Morena & C. Sas - Bioeco di Palmieri Alessandro - S.C.A.M.I.C. Srl - B. Energy Spa - Green Energy - Trolli srls - D.LL srls
Calori Srl - Copertecnica Srl - Econevea Srl - N.A.T. Nuovi Alpinisti Trento Srl - A.F.B. Auredil Srl - Speed Assist 2.0 Srls - Ecolife Servizi Ambientali Srl - Guerini Rocco Romano srl
Ghirardo Srl - New Ecology Srl - GMP Coperture Srl - Fenice Srl - Ditta Mulas Bonifiche di Mario Mulas - Antares Ambiente Italia Srl - Geos Ambiente Srl - Coperture Rivestimenti e Bonifica Amianto - Agrimetal Strutture Srl - PT Lattoneria Edile Srl - Ditta Di Bertoluzzo & Ragazzo - Bonotto Srl - Groma Servizi Srl - GO Service - Edilcarbonio Snc di Vernizzi Cristian & C. - Forese Srl - Soluzioni amianto Srl - Varnerin Srl - Gruppo ITQ Srl - MB Coperture Group Srl - Ecovert Srl - P&P Costruzioni Srl - Sirai Srl - SOS Bonifiche Srl - Servizi Ecologici Scanferla Srl - Strutture metalliche Srl - Ader Srl - ISO 2002 Srl - Veneta Montaggi Bellese S.R.L. - Presotto Costruzioni Edili SRLS - Isolplanet di Presotto Federico - Tamiazzo Leone - Soluzioni Amianto srl
REM-TEC Srl - Generalbaugroup Srl - La V.S. Costruzioni Srl - Erdbau srl
ACR di Reggiani Albertino Spa - ECS Srl Engineering Constructions Service - Vernengo Coperture Srl - Ditta Teco Lattonieri Coperture - Faenza Costruzioni Srl - IPR Emilia Romagna Srl - A.B. 2000 Srl - Protex Italia Srl - Eco Edil Srl - DM Cantieri Srls - Giorgio Nanni - New Tecnoservice Sas di Dalla Mora Ettore - Cantieri Spa - Eco Facciate Srl - Rieco Spa - Ecomet Srls - Rete Srl - Staveco Costruzioni Srl - Tradeco Srl - DUEPI COSTRUZIONI Soc. Consortile a R.L.
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Design and delivery of professional training courses - EA37
Design, delivery and monitoring of training in asynchronous and synchronous mode with the formagione web application.