Training courses organized by the Join Academy & Consulting, a professional training body directly emanating from the region
The courses are aimed at:
Anyone who wants to undertake the profession of Internal Auditor of Management Systems, through an in-depth knowledge of the regulations.
Interested figures:
- Internal company staff involved in keeping the Management Systems under control
- Professional who intends to undertake a career as an Internal Auditor (Management Systems Consultants who aspire to the profession of Management Systems Consultant) on behalf of companies/certification bodies
- Graduates and undergraduates who intend to undertake a career as Internal Auditor of Management Systems aimed at increasing their background of knowledge
- Professionals appointed to carry out auditing activities aimed at the supervision and control of any discipline or sector (example on suppliers and contractors)
- The users can be public or private bodies or individual professionals
Entering the world of work, in ISO certified companies or in the process of certification, as employees or freelancers.
Those who intend to specialize in the Management Systems sector can:
- Working within companies, as Management Systems Managers
- Become Business Consultants, acquiring the necessary skills to design, implement and evaluate a Management System
- Work on behalf/in collaboration with Certification Bodies as Internal Auditor
- Working in Public Administrations
UNI EN ISO 19011:2018 standard
Guidelines for management system audits
Duration : 16 HOURS
The training course, highly qualifying for professionals, consultants and employees, will allow participants to acquire the basic and necessary knowledge to be able to conduct first and second party audits at their companies or client companies.
Course objectives:
In particular, the objectives and aims of the course are:
- present the essential contents of the new UNI EN ISO 19011:2018 standard and the advantages that can be obtained from a correct understanding and application of the new contents
- highlight the innovations introduced compared to the previous version
- allow participants to improve their expertise in the audit process, best interpreting, from an evaluative perspective, the new standards on management systems
- help address audit risks and critical issues
Course program:
- Introduction to management systems
- General aspects and main news
- Structure of the standard / Terminology
- Purpose and principles of the audit
- Audit planning
- Conduct / report the audit
- Risk management through audit
- Auditor skills and evaluation
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
Build a system compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard
Internal evaluator of the Quality Management System
Duration : 24 HOURS
Course objectives:
The training course aims to:
- acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and conduct first and second party audits on quality management systems, in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard
- identify any non-conformities or critical issues in the system and propose appropriate corrective actions, identify and propose opportunities for improvement
The ISO 9001 Internal Quality Auditor course therefore provides the tools and techniques that increase the added value of the audit process.
This training course consolidates the knowledge and skills of internal auditors, deepening the principles and requirements of ISO 9001 in relation to activities on quality management systems. The course, therefore, aims to acquire the basic notions for carrying out internal audits, paying particular attention to the process approach to continuous improvement.
Course program:
- The new standard on quality management systems (introduction to management systems - the new ISO 9001:2015 standard - transitional period - risk management)
- The organizational model of ISO 9001 (living quality - the new directions of ISO 9001:2015 - the system perspective - working by processes - the basic PDCA method - the commitment to measuring - communicating in relationships - writing to communicate)
- Operational guideline to ISO 9001:2015 (the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard - organization context - leadership - planning - support - operational activities - performance evaluation - improvement)
- Conducting audits (management of an audit program, initiation and preparation - audit activities: carrying out and closing the audit - conducting internal audits)
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
Build a system compliant with the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard
Internal evaluator of the Environmental Management System
Duration : 24 HOURS
Course objectives:
The training course aims to:
- acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and conduct first and second party audits on the management systems for the EMS environment, in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard
- identify any non-conformities or critical issues in the system and propose appropriate corrective actions, identify and propose opportunities for improvement
The ISO 14001 Internal Environmental Auditor course therefore provides the tools and techniques that increase the added value of the audit process.
This training course consolidates the internal auditors' wealth of knowledge and skills, examining the principles and requirements of ISO 14001 in relation to activities on environmental management systems.
The course, therefore, aims to acquire the basic notions for carrying out internal audits, paying particular attention to the process approach to continuous improvement.
Course program:
- The new standard on environmental management systems (introduction to management systems - the new standard ISO 14001:2015 - transitional period - risk management)
- Creation of an environmental management system according to the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard and the EMAS III regulation (the management system - the EMAS III regulation 121/2009 - the documentation of the Environmental Management System - environmental policy - the planning of objectives, manual and procedure - implementation and operation - the chapter of the manual and the procedure for implementation and operation - controls and corrective actions - inspection visits and management review - mention of integrated management systems)
- Conducting Audits (management of an audit program, initiation and preparation - audit activities: carrying out and closing the audit - conducting internal audits)
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
Build a system compliant with the UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 standard
Internal evaluator of the Management System for Health and Safety at Work
Duration : 24 HOURS
Course objectives:
The training course aims to:
- acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and conduct first and second party audits on workplace health and safety management systems, in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 45001 standard
- identify any non-conformities or critical issues in the system and propose appropriate corrective actions, identify and propose opportunities for improvement
The ISO 45001 Internal Security Auditor course therefore provides the tools and techniques that increase the added value of the audit process.
This training course consolidates the knowledge and skills of internal auditors, delving into the principles and requirements of ISO 45001 in relation to activities on environmental management systems.
The course, therefore, aims to acquire the basic notions for carrying out internal audits, paying particular attention to the process approach to continuous improvement.
Course program:
- Workplace health and safety management systems and organizational models: historical excursus (the UNI INAIL guidelines - BS OHSAS 18001:2007 - Legislative Decree 231/01 and art. 30 of Legislative Decree 81 /2008)
- The new generation systematic standards (UNI ISO 45001:2018 - integrated systems)
- The requirements of the UNI ISO 45001:2018 standard (the context of the organization - the field of application of an SGSL of UNI ISO 45001:2018 - leadership and participation - planning - support - awareness - communication - documented information - management procedures of safe activities)
- SGSL certification (the importance of accreditation - the certification process - integrated audits - migration of the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 certification to UNI ISO 45001:2018)
- Incentives and economic benefits of SGSLs and their effectiveness (results and effectiveness of adopting an SGSL)
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
The QSA Quality - Safety - Environment Integrated Management Systems
Internal evaluator of Quality - Safety - Environment Management Systems
Duration : 36 HOURS
Course objectives:
The training course aims to:
- acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and conduct first and second part audits on workplace health and safety management systems, in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001-45001-14001 standards
- identify any non-conformities or critical issues in the system and propose appropriate corrective actions, identify and propose opportunities for improvement
The course therefore provides the tools and techniques that increase the added value of the audit process.
The course, therefore, aims to acquire the basic notions for carrying out internal audits, paying particular attention to the process approach to continuous improvement.
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
Course program:
- Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety policy and management review
- Risk management in the planning and operational phases
- Applicable legislative and technical requirements
- Objectives, targets and implementation programs
- Resources, roles and responsibilities in management systems
- Competence, training and awareness
- Communication, consultation and participation
- Management, documentation and records
- Health surveillance
- Management, substances and mixtures
- Maintenance
- Evaluation and qualification of suppliers
- Contract works
- Management of temporary and mobile construction sites - Management of interventions in environments suspected of being polluted or confined - Emergency management - Performance control, surveillance and measurement - Audit, criteria and management guidelines for both internal and external inspections - Accidents, accidents and near misses - accidents - Non-compliance, corrective actions and preventive actions - Inspections by control and supervisory bodies - Organization, management and control models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01
Build a system compliant with the UNI EN ISO 50001:2018 standard
Internal evaluator of the Energy Management System
Duration : 24 HOURS
Course objectives:
The training course aims to:
- acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and conduct first and second party audits on energy management systems, in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 50001 standard
- identify any non-conformities or critical issues in the system and propose appropriate corrective actions, identify and propose opportunities for improvement
The ISO 50001 energy management system internal auditor course therefore provides the tools and techniques that increase the added value of the audit process.
This training course consolidates the internal auditors' wealth of knowledge and skills, examining the principles and requirements of ISO 50001 in relation to activities on environmental management systems.
The course, therefore, aims to acquire the basic notions for carrying out internal audits, paying particular attention to the process approach to continuous improvement.
Course program:
- The evolution of energy policies and regulatory implications - The tools for the implementation of European directives and national regulations - The energy market - The incentive mechanisms for energy efficiency and renewable sources - Obligations and opportunities from Legislative Decree. Legislative Decree 102/2014 and Legislative Decree 141/2016 (implementation of the EED Directive 2012/27/EU) - ISO 50001: energy management systems - The figure of the energy management expert - The procedures for energy diagnosis - UNI TS 11300 standards - Technologies and tools for energy efficiency - Summary of energy diagnosis in the industrial sector - Summary of energy diagnosis in the civil sector - Conducting audits
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
Build a system compliant with the UNI EN ISO 10939:2017 standard
Internal evaluator of the agri-food traceability management system
Duration : 24 HOURS
Course objectives:
The training course aims to acquire knowledge and skills on Quality Management Systems dedicated to the agri-food sector.
This is a reference course for all those who will have to operate or already operate in various roles, technical or managerial, in the agri-food sector: from agricultural production to industrial transformation, from distribution to collective and private catering, from companies and consortia to public institutions control, from consultancy and certification companies to food analysis laboratories.
The peculiar and innovative aspect of the course consists in the fusion of expertise on systems and standards with that of agri-food systems; this specificity is highlighted in particular in the modules which deal with the topics of food quality and safety, product certification, supply chain traceability, hygiene self-control systems (HACCP).
The more traditional part relating to the standards of the ISO 9000 series and the quality tools is addressed in such a way as to favor an in-depth understanding of the principles rather than a rote learning of the formalisms of the standards (the numerous ones which illustrate in particular the use of the quality tools they all refer to the agri-food sector).
Course program:
- Food quality - System and product certification - The basic model of quality management systems - The UN EN ISO standard and its meaning - Quality management systems: management responsibility - Quality management systems : resource management - Quality management systems: product creation - Quality management systems: measurements, analysis and improvement - Documentation of the quality management system - Food safety and HACCP - The traceability of agri-food product supply chain - Quality design tools and methods - Critical point research tools and methods: risk analysis - Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - Quality verification tools and methods - Shewart control charts - Conducting audits
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
Organization and Management Model - Internal Auditor
Legislative Decree 06.08.2001 n. 231
Duration : 36 HOURS
The training course aims to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to plan a Management System of Model 231/2001, in compliance with Legislative Decree 08.06.2001 n. 231.
The course, therefore, aims to acquire the basic notions for carrying out internal audits, paying particular attention to the process approach to continuous improvement.
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
Course program:
- The "administrative responsibility of legal persons, companies and associations, even without legal responsibility" pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001
- Procedural rules and investigative activity
- Autonomous responsibility of the institution
- Ascertainment of the entity's liability pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001
- The activity functional to the application of precautionary measures
- Models of organization and management of health and safety at work (art. 30 of Legislative Decree 81/08)
- Analysis of some innovations regarding safety, hygiene and fire prevention in Decree no. 69/2013
- Crimes against the public administration
- Economic crimes and illicit data processing
- Crimes against the community
- Corporate crimes
- Crimes against the person
- Violation of workplace health and safety regulations
- Environmental crimes
Below you can view a demo of the lessons (asynchronous fad)
Below you can view a demo of the lessons (asynchronous fad)
Design and delivery of professional training courses - EA37
Design, delivery and monitoring of training in asynchronous and synchronous mode with the formagione web application.