Over the years we have developed strong experience in the prevention and protection of health and safety at work , designing and implementing a training offer characterized by courses in the catalog or on request aimed at workers and companies.
Legislative Decree 81/2008 "also known as the Consolidated Law on safety at work " gives training a central role in nurturing the culture of safety.
The Join Academy & Consulting , a training body accredited by the Region, is a national training body ope-legis (pursuant to the State-Regions Agreement 07.07.2016) for continuous training on safety and health in the workplace.
We train the various company figures responsible for safety, specifically RSPP (Prevention and Protection Service Manager), ASPP (Prevention and Protection Service Officer), Employers, RLS (Workers' Safety Representative), Supervisors, Coordinators, Managers, workers generally.
We personalize training requests by building offers tailored to specific company needs throughout the national territory.
- a dedicated staff of training specialists able to support and monitor every training need;
- a large faculty of professionals;
- the ability to monitor all regulatory and technical updates;
- a creative and non-traditional training methodology (for example: role-playing games, outdoor activities, etc.);
- Personalized training packages in e-learning mode aimed at companies and people.
We offer companies:
- the ability to personalize training requests;
- a dedicated staff of training specialists;
- a Scientific Technical Committee;
- a regular update;
- a skills platform;
- the possibility of carrying out courses throughout the national territory.
- provision of services throughout the national territory;
- streamlined and efficient online procedures;
- centralization of "in-person" and e-learning course management;
- constant monitoring of training through the use of the management software dedicated to safety;
- short course activation times;
- open laboratories ( safety lab ) dedicated to discussing health and safety issues in the workplace.
Discover our safety courses:
Formation of the State-Regions Agreement (ASR) 21.12.2011
Download the PDF ASR 12.21.2011
Training of workers-supervisor-manager
Download the PDF ASR 12.21.2011
RSPP training Employer

Worker training
ASR 21.12.2011 /Art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/2008
Low - medium - high risk
Duration : 8 to 16 hours
Course program:
General training (4 hours) same for all risks:
- Risk concepts - Damage - Prevention - Protection - Organization of company prevention - Rights, duties and sanctions for the various company subjects - Supervisory, control and assistance bodies
Specific training (from 4 to 12 hours, based on company risk):
- Accident risks - General mechanics - General electrical - Machines - Equipment - Falls from heights - Explosion risks - Chemical risks - Mists, oils, fumes, vapours, dusts - Labeling - Carcinogenic risks - Biological risks - Physical risks - Noise - Vibration - Radiations - Microclimate and lighting - Video terminals - Work organization PPE - Work environments - Work-related stress - Manual handling of loads - Goods movements (lifting equipment, transport vehicles) - Signage - Emergencies - Safety procedures with reference to the profile specific risk - Exodus and fire procedures - Organizational procedures for first aid - Accidents and near misses - Other risks

Additional special training for the Supervisor
ASR 21.12.2011 /Art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/2008
Duration : 8 hours
Course program:
- Main subjects of the company prevention system: tasks, obligations, responsibilities
- Relationships between the various internal and external subjects of the prevention system
- Definition and identification of risk factors
- Accidents and near misses
- Communication and awareness techniques for workers, in particular new hires, temporary workers and foreigners
- Evaluation of the company's risks, with particular reference to the context in which the person in charge operates
- Identification of technical, organizational and procedural prevention and protection measures
- Method of exercising the function of monitoring workers' compliance with legal and company provisions regarding health and safety at work, and use of the collective and individual means of protection made available to them

Training for the Manager
ASR 21.12.2011 /Art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/2008
Duration : 16 hours
Course program:
- Legal-regulatory module (legislative system regarding worker safety - supervisory bodies and inspection procedures - subjects of the company prevention system according to Legislative Decree 81/2008 - delegation of functions - civil and criminal liability and insurance protection - the administrative responsibility of legal entities, companies and associations, even without legal responsibility - the qualification systems of companies and the points-based license in construction)
- Management and organization of safety (organization and management models of health and safety at work - management of technical-administrative documentation - obligations connected to procurement or work or administration contracts - organization of fire prevention, first aid and emergency management - methods of organization and exercise of the supervisory function of work activities and with regard to the fulfillment of the obligations provided for in paragraph 3 bis of article 18 of Legislative Decree 81/2008 - role of the manager and of the employees in the prevention and protection)
- Identification and assessment of risks (criteria and tools for identifying and assessing risks - the risk of work-related stress - the risk attributable to differences in gender, age, origin from other countries and type of contract - interferential risk and risk management in carrying out contracted work - the technical, organizational and procedural prevention and protection measures based on the risk factors - the consideration of near-miss accidents and the results of the participation activities of workers and supervisors - the devices of individual protection - health surveillance)
- Communication, training and consultation of workers (relational skills and awareness of the role - strategic importance of information, education and training as tools for understanding the company reality - communication techniques - group work and conflict management - consultation and participation of workers' safety representatives - nature, functions and methods of appointment or election of workers' safety representatives)

Training for the RSPP Employer
ASR 21.12.2011 /Art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/2008
Low - medium - high risk
Duration : 16 to 48 hours
Course program:
- Legal-regulatory module (the legislative system regarding worker safety - civil and criminal liability and insurance protection - the administrative liability of legal entities, companies and associations, even without legal liability pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/ 2001 and subsequent amendments - the institutional prevention system - the subjects of the company prevention system according to Legislative Decree 81/2008 - the company qualification system)
- Management and organization of safety (the criteria and tools for identifying and evaluating risks - consideration of near-miss accidents and the ways in which they occur - consideration of the results of worker participation activities - the risk assessment document risks - safety organization and management models - obligations connected to procurement, works or administration contracts - the single document for assessing risks from interference - the management of technical-administrative documentation - the organization of fire prevention, first aid and emergency management)
- Identification and assessment of risks (the main risk factors and the related technical, organizational and procedural prevention and protection measures - the risk of work-related stress - the risks linked to gender, age and origin from other countries - the personal protective equipment - health surveillance)
- Training and consultation of workers (information, education and training - communication techniques - the system of company relations and communication in the company - consultation and participation of workers' representatives for safety - nature, functions and procedures for appointing or electing workers' safety representatives)

Training for the RLS Workers' Safety Representative
Legislative Decree 81/2008
Duration : 32 hours
Course program:
- The sources of law and the evolution of workplace safety legislation
- From Legislative Decree no. 626 to Consolidated Law 81/2008
- Particular categories of work
- The technical standards
- The organization of safety
- The subjects of the company system, obligations, tasks, responsibilities
- Workers
- The public prevention system
- The perception of risk
- Risk assessment
- Causes of accidents and the activity of the Workers' Safety Representative
- Classification of specific risks
- The assessment of specific risks
- The applicative and organizational implications of risk assessment
- Relationship and communication
Download the PDF DM 10.03.1998
Training in charge of fire prevention
Download the PDF DM 15.07.2003 n. 388
Company first aid training

Training for the fire prevention officer
Ministerial Decree 10.03.1998
Low - medium - high risk
Duration : from 4 to 16 hours
Course program:
- Fire and fire prevention (principles on combustion - the main causes of fire in relation to the specific work environment - extinguishing substances - risks to people and the environment - specific fire prevention measures - behavioral measures to prevent accidents - the importance of monitoring work environments - the importance of checks and maintenance on fire prevention equipment)
- Fire protection (the criteria and tools for identifying and assessing risks - consideration of near-miss accidents and how they occur - consideration of the results of worker participation activities - the risk assessment document - the safety organization and management models - the obligations connected to the procurement, works or administration contracts - the single document for assessing the risks from interference - the management of the technical-administrative documentation - the organization of fire prevention, of the first rescue and emergency management)
- Fire protection (passive protection measures - escape routes, compartmentation, spacing - extinguishing equipment and systems - alarm systems - safety signs - electrical safety systems - safety lighting)
- Procedures to be adopted in the event of a fire (procedures to be adopted when a fire is discovered - procedures to be adopted in the event of an alarm - evacuation methods - methods of calling the emergency services - collaboration with the fire brigade in the event of an intervention - examples of an emergency situation and procedural-operational methods)
- Practical exercises (viewing and clarifications on the main fire-fighting equipment and systems - review of personal protection equipment - exercises on the use of fire-fighting and personal protection equipment)

Training for the company first aid officer
Ministerial Decree 10.03.1998 n. 388
ABC Group Companies
Duration : 12 to 16 hours
Course program:
Form A
- Alert the emergency system (cause and circumstances of the accident - communicate the aforementioned information clearly and precisely to the emergency healthcare services)
- Recognize a health emergency (scene of the accident - assessment of the psychophysical conditions of the injured worker - elementary notions of anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular and respiratory system - self-protection techniques of the emergency personnel)
- Implement first aid interventions (support of vital functions - recognition and limits of first aid intervention)
- Know the specific risks of the activity carried out
Form B
- Acquire general knowledge on traumas in the work environment (notes of skeletal anatomy - dislocations, fractures and complications - cranioencephalic and spinal traumas and injuries - thoraco-abdominal traumas and injuries)
- Acquire general knowledge on specific pathologies in the work environment (cold and heat injuries - injuries from electric current - injuries from chemical agents - intoxications - lacerated and contused wounds - external hemorrhages)
Form C
- Acquire practical intervention skills (communication techniques with the NHS emergency system - first aid techniques in acute cerebral syndromes - first aid techniques in acute respiratory failure syndrome - cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques - hemorrhagic tamponade techniques - lifting techniques , movement and transport of the traumatized person - first aid techniques in case of accidental exposure to chemical and biological agents)
See our references (some of our customers):
- Venchi Spa
- Pittarello Spa
- Zucchetti Spa
- Terna Spa
- ENI Corporate University Spa
- New Sanità Theater - Naples
- Stabile Theater Association of the Municipality of Naples (Mercadante)
- Adecco Formazione Srl
- Banco di Napoli Spa
- Sirti Spa
- ACI Progei Spa
- Coca Cola - Marcianise (CE)
- Trussardi Spa
- Salvatore Ferragamo Spa
- Desigual - Barcelona
- Lete Spa
- Ignazio Messina & C. Spa
- Virgin Active Italia Spa
- De Nigris Acetificio Spa
- Solesi Spa
- ACR Reggiani Albertino Spa
- Favellato Claudio Spa
- Capgemini Italia Spa
- Industrie Fracchiolla Spa
- Majorano Spa
- Tirreno Power Spa
- Confindustria Verona
- DS Smith Packaging Spa
- Ricoh Italia Srl
- DHL Express Spa
- Ministry of the Interior - Department of Fire, Rescue and Civil Defense - Regional Directorate of the Campania Fire Brigade
- Air Force 5th aircraft maintenance group
- 21st Sappers Regiment - Caserta
- University of Naples Federico II - CESMA
- Naples Spa services - Management of the metropolitan city of Naples
- Municipal consortium (province) of Trapani
- Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta Carabinieri legion command
- Municipality of Torre del Greco (NA)
- Municipality of Chiusano San Domenico (AV)
- Ministry of Defense - Garibaldi Bersaglieri Brigade
- AOU - City of health and science - Turin
- Commissariat School - Italian Army - Maddaloni (CE)
- Highway to Italy Spa
- Federservizi - State railways group
- ARPAB - Regional agency for the protection of the environment of Basilicata
- University of Naples Federico II
- Merliano-Tansillo secondary school - Nola (NA)
- SG Bosco-Summa Villa secondary school - Somma Vesuviana (NA)
- Experimental leather station - Naples
- Tecnoservice SCPA Rooms
- CISAM - Joint Forces Center for Military Applications Studies
- CNR ISASI - Naples
- ISTAT - National Institute of Statistics
- Swamp reclamation consortium - Naples
- Cineca University Consortium - Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
- State property agency - Rome

Join Academy & Consulting is present on the MEPA
Public Administration purchasing portal

Join Academy & Consulting is UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified for the following services:
- Planning and delivery of professional training courses
- Design, delivery and monitoring of training in asynchronous and synchronous modes
Design and delivery of professional training courses - EA37
Design, delivery and monitoring of training in asynchronous and synchronous mode with the formagione web application.