Out-of-court advocate Damage compensation professional - Road accidents
Basic introductory course to the profession
Duration : 50 HOURS
- Compulsory insurance for the circulation of motor vehicles and boats - the insurance contract - speed and safety distance - behavior regarding the movement of vehicles - arrests, stops, stopping of vehicles and other rules of conduct - road accidents and their prevention - systems of units of measurement - scalars and vectors - forces and their equilibrium - kinematics - dynamics and statics - work and energy - thermometry and calorimetry - statics and dynamics of fluids - ideal gases - electronics and electrical engineering - i materials and their properties - classification of vehicles, mechanical, electrical and electronic parts - main fuel engines - instrumental parts of motor vehicles - accidents and methodologies for repairs - elements of evaluation - topography and photogrammetry - reconstruction of road accidents
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
The extrajudicial legal aid lawyer is a freelance expert in compensation for damages who is responsible for providing qualified advice to injured clients with the right to compensation for damages for accidents of all kinds. This figure was introduced in Italy for the first time with Law no. 4 of 2013 , which indicates its functions, requirements and areas of competence.
The Advocate , being an independent professional, follows the client throughout the process for compensation for the damage, up to its liquidation.
In practice, the extrajudicial legal aid is an intermediate figure who stands between the private individual (i.e. the victim of a road accident) and the insurance company (which must compensate), in order to compensate and obtain fair compensation on behalf of the client. in a short time.
In other words, he must: provide technical advice in the field of road traffic, apply notions of marketing, ethics and communication, evaluate the damage suffered by the customer, provide explanations regarding the assessment of the damage, act as a mediator between the customer and the insurance involved.
NORMA UNI 11472:2013 - Rilievi negli incidenti stradali
Durata: 20 ORE
La norma UNI 11472 recante la "qualificazione dei tecnici per la ricostruzione e l'analisi degli incidenti stradali" revisiona ed aggiorna nei contenuti la precedente norma UNI 11294 e fissa le procedure standard per effettuare i rilevi, oltre a dettare le competenze per la qualificazione dei tecnici che effettuano la ricostruzione degli incidenti stradali, delle cause tecniche che li hanno determinati e dei comportamenti delle persone coinvolte nell'evento.
Al fine di procedere ad una corretta ricostruzione dinamica degli incidenti stradali, il percorso formativo ha l'obiettivo di illustrare e ad uniformare le procedure, le buone tecniche e le fasi salienti di un rilievo di incidente stradale nonchè il loro ordine cronologico (ivi comprese tracce, elementi tipici da rilevare, specificandone la tipologia di rilevo da utilizzare e quindi vengono analizzate nel dettaglio le procedure per effettuare i singoli rilievi di tipo metrico, planimetrico, fotografico e descrittivo), nel rispetto della norma UNI 11472, che comporterà per i liberi professionisti ricostruttori di incidenti stradali il presupposto per il riconoscimento della certificazione di qualità dell'attività di rilevamento di detti eventi.
Programma del corso:
La norma UNI 11472 recante la "qualificazione dei tecnici per la ricostruzione e l'analisi degli incidenti stradali" revisiona ed aggiorna nei contenuti la precedente norma UNI 11294 e fissa le procedure standard per effettuare i rilevi, oltre a dettare le competenze per la qualificazione dei tecnici che effettuano la ricostruzione degli incidenti stradali, delle cause tecniche che li hanno determinati e dei comportamenti delle persone coinvolte nell'evento.
Al fine di procedere ad una corretta ricostruzione dinamica degli incidenti stradali, il percorso formativo ha l'obiettivo di illustrare e ad uniformare le procedure, le buone tecniche e le fasi salienti di un rilievo di incidente stradale nonchè il loro ordine cronologico (ivi comprese tracce, elementi tipici da rilevare, specificandone la tipologia di rilevo da utilizzare e quindi vengono analizzate nel dettaglio le procedure per effettuare i singoli rilievi di tipo metrico, planimetrico, fotografico e descrittivo), nel rispetto della norma UNI 11472, che comporterà per i liberi professionisti ricostruttori di incidenti stradali il presupposto per il riconoscimento della certificazione di qualità dell'attività di rilevamento di detti eventi.
- corso erogato in fad asincrona (con videolezioni registrate dal docente)
- esame finale mediante test a risposta multipla
Fundamentals of mathematics and physics for the reconstruction of road accidents
Duration : 20 HOURS
- Elements of mathematical analysis and notes on trigonometry, geometry and statistics (concept of set - arithmetic and geometric progressions - arithmetic and geometric mean - definitions of power, logarithm and cologarithm - exponential, logarithmic and algebraic equations - concept of function - trigonometry - goniometric functions - plane trigonometry - equation of the line passing through two points - graph of a function - properties of the absolute value - limit of a function - continuous functions - concept of derivative of a function in a point and its geometric meaning - rules of differentiation - derivatives of higher order - differential of a function - complex numbers - integrals - elements of error theory - data uncertainties)
- Elements of physics (vectors and scalars - velocity - acceleration - plane and parabolic motion - post-collision launch velocity of the body of a motorcyclist - circular motion - force - Newton's laws - friction and inertia forces - conservative forces - work - kinetic energy - power - conservation of energy - center of mass - momentum-impulse - conservation of momentum - elastic and inelastic collisions - equilibrium of a body - mechanical and angular momentum - rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia - simultaneously translational and rotary motion - study model with 3 degrees of freedom - impacts with relative sliding of vehicle structures - energy dissipated in the overturning or rollover of a motor vehicle)
The reconstruction of a road accident is a rigorous scientific process that cannot ignore solid basic knowledge in Mathematics and Physics .
The training course represents excellent preparation for technicians who are approaching the study of the analysis and reconstruction of road accidents for the first time, and for professionals now familiar with professional practice, for a reminder of those basics whose knowledge has become necessary for updating and mastering the most recently developed techniques.
The training course fits perfectly with the aim of expanding the multidisciplinary cultural background of the road accident reconstruction technician.
The training course with simple, synthetic but rigorous concepts , fully expresses how the fundamental laws can or should be applied to the resolution of some typical problems of the profession of road accident reconstruction technician.
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test

Damage compensation professional Fire branch - Theft branch
Duration : 4 HOURS
Course program:
The fire branch
- Fire insurance - Fire risk assessment - The insured risk - The accident and the settlement of damages - Indirect damages - Technological risks (the machine breakdown policy - the electronic policy - the CAR and EAR policy - the insurance policy supply and ten-year aftermath)
The theft branch
- The main types of crimes against property - Insurance concepts of the theft branch (construction characteristics of the premises and means of closure - means of prevention - assessment of theft risk - The different forms of insurance - The general conditions of the policy - The general conditions of policy
Delivery of the training course:
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test

Experienced professional in automotive technology: the engine
Duration : 20 HOURS
Course program:
- Physical education petrol (Recall of thermodynamics - Theoretical cycle of the 4-stroke engine - Deformations of the theoretical cycle - Actual cycle and indicated cycle of the 4-stroke engine - Pressure diagram of the 4-stroke engine - Actual average pressure - Theoretical cycle of the 2-stroke engine - Distribution diagram of 2-stroke engines - Comparison between 4-stroke engine and 2-stroke engine - Air purification - Fuel supply - Carburetion - Injection of the mixture into the cylinders - Ignition - Combustion - Exhaust - Internal ventilation of the engine - Anomalies and their causes) - Diesel engines (Main characteristics - Theoretical cycle of the 4-stroke engine - Combustion analysis - Construction details - Fuel supply - Fuel injection - Injection pump - Two-stroke engines) - Engine parts (Cylinders - Cylinder heads - Plungers - Circlips - Piston pin - Connecting rods - Crankshaft - Main and connecting rod bearings - Intake and exhaust manifolds)
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test
- The relevant legislation - The preparatory activities for drafting the report - The drafting of the expert's work - The drafting of the request for liquidation - The convening of the expert witness for clarifications - The appeal of the liquidation - Invalidity of the expert witness - The execution of the tests and measures in the CTU's investigations - The electronic civil trial (PCT) for the CTU in cases registered in the civil litigation register - The party's technical consultant (CTP) - Rules relating to compensation - Principles of organization of the professional firm - Professional ethics - Privacy and consultants
- Examples of CTU consultancy - Examples of CTP consultancy - Frequently used forms
Duration : 20 HOURS
Course objectives:
The training course provides the regulatory foundations and the technical and procedural knowledge essential to carry out the activity of auxiliary to the Judge in civil proceedings.
Sano illustrated in detail the activities of the CTU in the context of the new procedure and the Electronic Civil Trial, the specificities of the main areas of technical consultancy and the characteristics of professionalism that form the good consultant, all enriched by precious indications of common sense and experience, resulting from more than twenty years of activity carried out by the course teachers.
The course is updated with the reform of the executive process and innovations in terms of compensation.
The course also presents a large collection of expert reports carried out as well as various models of letters, requests and communications, it is therefore an irreplaceable guide for both young people and more experienced professionals, to carry out the activity in a serene and conscious manner. , avoid running into problems, consolidate the relationship of trust with the Judges and obtain the right compensation.
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
- final exam via multiple choice test

Preparation for the INSURANCE APPRAISER exam - CONSAP
Duration : 60 HOURS
- The legislation regarding car liability (compulsory insurance for the circulation of motor vehicles and boats)
- Elements of insurance law and techniques ( the insurance contract - the fire branch - the theft branch - regulation of expert activity)
- Elements of road traffic and navigation law (speed and safety distance - behavior regarding the movement of vehicles - arrests, stops, stops of vehicles and other rules of conduct - road accidents and their prevention - collisions with ships and aircraft - navigation risk insurance)
- Elements of physics and mechanics (systems of units of measurement - scalars and vectors - forces and their equilibrium - kinematics - dynamics and statics - work and energy - thermometry and calorimetry - statics and dynamics of fluids - ideal gases - electronics and electrical engineering - i materials and their properties - lubricants and lubrication systems - electromagnetic induction and electrical machines)
- Motor vehicles (classification of vehicles, mechanical, electrical and electronic parts - main fuel engines - instrumental parts of motor vehicles - accidents and methodologies for repairs)
- Estimation, topography and photogrammetry (estimation elements - topography and photogrammetry)
- course delivered in asynchronous fad (with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
Below you can view a demo of the lessons (asynchronous fad)
Below you can view a demo of the lessons (asynchronous fad)
Design and delivery of professional training courses - EA37
Design, delivery and monitoring of training in asynchronous and synchronous mode with the formagione web application.