Unregulated profession pursuant to Law 14.01.2013 n. 4

The course has a total duration of 75 hours delivered as follows:
55 hours in asynchronous FAD (online with video lessons recorded by the teacher)
20 hours in synchronous FAD/videoconference (live online with the teacher, in which practical exercises will be covered) delivered in the following way: 5 meetings of 4 hours each.
To attend the course you must have at least a high school diploma.
The course is aimed at all those who wish to train in a professionally qualified sector which offers working areas that are still open and favorable to the inclusion of new figures.
It is mainly aimed at the following figures: Lawyers, Doctors of Law, Psychologists, Sociologists, Social Workers, Counselors, Teachers, etc.
The course aims to train professional graphologists according to the requirements of Law 4/2013 (law which regulates non-professional professions which also include the calligrapher or graphologist expert ) who have the skills to carry out consultancy activities in the judicial sector.
In fact, it should be noted that in Italy there is still no professional register for graphologists and graphotechnical experts, since there is no Order of Graphologists nor an association that is officially recognized by the laws of the State.
The category of writing experts, both for the drafting of psychological profiles and for graphotechnical evaluations, cannot yet refer to an institution that protects their professionalism.
Various trade associations have been founded for years, to which however the professional is not obliged to join , in fact these only carry out temporary and completely private functions, awaiting formal recognition by the government and therefore by the State.
Only in the case of the activity of CTU (Office Technical Consultant), some Courts require the exam/interview at the Register of Experts held by the Chamber of Commerce. With a good basic preparation, the exam does not constitute a insurmountable obstacle.
The graphologist or calligrapher expert carries out graphological consultancy activities for:
private individuals, law firms, courts, public bodies, companies, schools, employment agencies, etc.
The subjects of legal activity
Natural person and legal capacity - The capacity to act and the protection of the incapable - The rights of the personality - Legal persons and de facto entities - Inheritance due to death and donations - Legitimate succession - Testamentary succession - Communion and division of the inheritance - Donations - Concepts and classification of contracts - Formation of the contract and preliminary contract - Interpretation and integration of the contract - The effects of the contract - Rescission and termination of the contract - Single sources of obligations
Graphology - Study of writing
Study of writing - Calligraphic model - Terminology - Graphometry - Guide to writing
Morettian graphology
The Morettian sign system: graphology and psychology - The angular curved dyad: the altruistic and selfish movement - The breadths: the quantification of intelligence - The inequalities: intuition and creativity - The pressure: how the personality moves in the dual world - The caliber : the perception of reality in relation to the feeling of the EGO - The rhythm: the ways of channeling and expressing psychic energies - The inclination: where the individual places his center of gravity - The convergence of the literal axes: the capabilities insinuative and identification of the feeling - The relationship with the basic line: the individual psychic stability - The ligaments: the continuity or fragmentation of the movement - Clarity and accuracy: the external perception of reality - The curls: the fugitive gesture
Judicial expert graphology
The role of the graphologist consultant - How to identify the authorship of autograph writings - Judicial graphological expertise and forensic graphology - Expert legislation
Legal and technical tools for expertise on wills
Writing in the will - The testamentary document and the comparative writings
Legal tools for graphological expertise
During the live online lessons (videoconference) many practical exercises on the subject will be carried out with the teacher, and the topics covered in the asynchronous fad will also be summarized.
The course teachers are represented by:
- Professionals in legal and psychological subjects
- Experts and Experts in Graphology with twenty years of experience in the subject, official and party technical consultants (CTU and CTP of the Court)

For those who decide to undertake the profession of CTU (auxiliary of the Judge) in the Court and/or Justice of the Peace, after the training course they must register for the provincial chamber of commerce role, most of the time after a preliminary interview on the graphological subject and demonstrating that they have fulfilled the training obligation.
The course organized by the Join Academy & Consulting , an organization accredited by the Region, is a good preparation for the Chamber of Commerce interview.
Often the Chamber of Commerce verifies the training carried out through an official request via PEC at the training center that provided the training course.
You see:
Verification of achievement of course certificate (PEC of the Salerno Chamber of Commerce - 03.11.2020)
Below you can view a demo of the lessons
Below you can view a demo of the lessons
Preparatory for the initial training course in graphology (also carried out at other institutions)

Discomfort and mental suffering in writing
Duration : 20 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
What are the graphological signs indicating a state of mental suffering?
How do they present themselves in cases of disorders ranging from normal existential distress to more serious problems, such as psychosis, bipolar disorder, depression and alcohol addiction?
Every time an individual enters a tunnel of repetitive behaviors of a defensive nature, writing also signals the accentuation of the reactive mode adopted by highlighting a particular graphological combination.
In addition to the numerous information obtainable thanks to this particular approach, we must also consider the relevant role that graphology can assume in all those situations connected to forms of mental suffering that are difficult to express in words, because the personality has no voice to identify within itself the problematic node.
The analysis of writing allows us to circumvent the difficulties connected to the verbal communication of the lived drawing, or even those due to the lack of awareness that an individual may have of his own internal suffering, since it draws on analogue forms of interpretation of graphic language.
The course is aimed at all those who wish to train in a professionally qualified sector which offers working areas that are still open and favorable to the inclusion of new figures.
It is mainly aimed at the following figures: Lawyers, Doctors of Law, Psychologists, Sociologists, Social Workers, Counselors, Teachers, etc. who have basic training in graphology or who have followed the course for " Graphologist consultant and expert in judicial and expert graphology " at the Join Academy & Consulting.
Course program:
- The keeping of the line and the memory of the literal forms
- Curved-round writing
- The angular sign is above average
- The preliminary closure given by the narrowness between letters
- The support of critical faculties in the process of self-construction: the “space between words” sign
- The difficulty of giving order and stability to one's thoughts and feelings: the disordered sign
- Stereotypy linked to the difficulty (or refusal) of coming into contact with one's uniqueness: equal and accurate writing
- The excessive material rooting and the consequent difficulty in processing abstract thought: the marked sign
- Evanescence and desire to escape from contact with the most material reality: the filiform sign
- Sudden emotional changes: the sign in the second way
- Interest in the perception of reality as a function of cognitive processes: caliber
- Critical points in the movement of expression: fluid, halting, slow, hesitant, impatient, sword-like writing
- Quality and intensity of the emotional relationship: the tendency towards fusion, contradiction, repulsion
- The fragmentation of the internal movement: the staccato sign
- The hedgehogs of pathological confusion and the hedgehogs that fall within the mechanisms of defense or rooting in the ego
- The writings that fall within the normal existential discomfort due to some critical aspects of the personality
- The writings characterized by multiple warning signs that reinforce the one-sidedness of the vision
- Indices of ongoing destructuring
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar disorder
- The Depression
- Alcohol addiction
- Effects of drugs on writing

Recognize a manager from writing
Duration : 20 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
The course is aimed at all those who wish to train in a professionally qualified sector which offers working areas that are still open and favorable to the inclusion of new figures.
It is mainly aimed at the following figures: Lawyers, Doctors of Law, Psychologists, Sociologists, Social Workers, Counselors, Teachers, etc. who have basic training in graphology or who have followed the course for " Graphologist consultant and expert in judicial and expert graphology " at the Join Academy & Consulting.
Course program:
Nature and boundaries of a science (Epistemological bases and boundaries of graphology - Conceptual categories - Applications and advantages)
Reserves and resistance in the use of graphology in the business environment (The scenario - Validity and reliability)
Graphology at the service of human resources management (Selection - Development processes - Company experiences)
The main company functions: profiles and related graphological characteristics (Work profiles and graphological syndromes - Top Management and assistance staff - Human resources - Administration and Finance - Planning and control - Commercial - Communication - IT systems)
Management styles and their recognisability in handwriting (Evolution of the organizational profile of companies - Leadership and Management - Organizational models and management styles)

Imitation of signatures in holographic wills
Duration : 20 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
In expert graphology the theme of imitation is central in the discovery of forgeries in writing.
Anyone who works as an expert knows that most forgery of signatures and holographic wills occurs through the imitative process.
The course will deal with concrete cases that are the subject of experience, reflection and dialogue, with a first part dedicated to the presentation of the case studies from which we start to reach broader considerations in graphological and expert matters, alongside the part of specialist legislation on the topic. .
The course aims to start from practical cases, combining them with the multidisciplinary knowledge necessary for updating the sector.
Course program:
Imitation in expert graphology (Imitare humanum est - The law of attentional direction in the imitation of wills - Does successful imitation exist? - The double value of blind furrows: to unmask the imitation, to reveal the autograph - L the imitation is there but it is not seen - Will and signature in the holographic - Contention between autography and imitation in the holographic - Imitation and attribution errors - A case of alteration of a will - Imitation of capital letters in the holographic will)
Graphological imitation and jurisprudence (News on the subject of judicial protection in the imitation of signatures and wills - The holographic will: cases of challenge - The assessments of the Court of Cassation in the disputes of holographic wills - Imitation and late disavowal of comparisons)
International expert graphology and imitation (A testament with free imitation - The deceptive scribble)
Medical graphology and imitation (Holograph will and cognitive decline - Imitative artificiality and pathology)

Understand and improve yourself through writing
Duration : 20 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
The course is aimed at all those who wish to train in a professionally qualified sector which offers working areas that are still open and favorable to the inclusion of new figures.
It is mainly aimed at the following figures: Lawyers, Doctors of Law, Psychologists, Sociologists, Social Workers, Counselors, Teachers, etc. who have basic training in graphology or who have followed the course for " Graphologist consultant and expert in judicial and expert graphology " at the Join Academy & Consulting.
Course program:
Writing and Graphology
The starting point: the paper, the tools, the color of the ink (Black – Blue – Red – Purple – Gray – Green – Brown)
The Graphologist's compass: the symbolism of space and the archetypes of reference (The left: the past, confidentiality and defense - The right: the future and the search for the other - The above: thought, ideals and illusions - The bottom: matter, concreteness and drives - The top and the bottom: expansion and continuous research - The middle zone: the present and the ego)
The trait and its combinations (The supported trait: the decisive types - The light trait: the sensitive types - The rapid trait: the active types - The slow trait: the thoughtful and controlled types - The clear trait: the cerebral types - The pasty trait: the sensory types - The angular trait: the energetic and strong-willed types - The curvilinear trait: the adaptable and available types - The unequal trait: the emotional and creative types - The raised trait: the harmonious types - The displaced pressure: praise of diversity)
JUNG, the basic attitude and the "game" of the four psychic functions in writing (The basic attitude: introversion and extroversion - The writing of the introvert - The writing of the extrovert - The four functions: the thinking function - the feeling function - the intuition function - the sensation function - The predilection for block letters and the archetype of the person - Hippocrates, the temperaments and the four elements (The bilious or choleric types: the energy of FIRE - The lymphatic or phlegmatic types: the fluidity of WATER - Blood types: the expansion of AIR - Nervous types: the concentration of EARTH)

Technical consultancy in Court (graphotechnical expertise)
Duration : 20 hours in asynchronous FAD
Course objectives and recipients:
Written language represents an imprint of personality left by the subject which can lead, through a sophisticated methodology, to his identification. Legal work therefore more often makes use of graphotechnical expertise to trace the author of a writing.
Given the complexity and multiplicity of functions and factors involved in writing, graphotechnical consultancy cannot be based on a single approach: the expert must know how to apply the different investigation methods so as not to neglect the complexity of each subject.
The course covers the theories underlying the expert discipline, from its inception to the most recent and sophisticated investigation techniques, and presents the areas of expertise, interest and inclusion of the figures of experts in graphotechnical expertise , including risks, duties and their rights, the schools of thought and methodological systems are outlined, the study of signatures, wills and anonymities will be addressed.
Finally, in the training course, attention will be paid to the clinical aspects of the subject with the study of graphic disorders, tremors, the consequences of personality disorders on writing as well as the possibility of exploring the ability to understand and want through the study of handwriting.
The course is aimed at all those who wish to train in a professionally qualified sector which offers working areas that are still open and favorable to the inclusion of new figures.
It is mainly aimed at the following figures: Lawyers, Doctors of Law, Psychologists, Sociologists, Social Workers, Counselors, Teachers, etc. who have basic training in graphology or who have followed the course for " Graphologist consultant and expert in judicial and expert graphology " at the Join Academy & Consulting.
Summary course program:
- How to become a Consultant
- Methods in expert graphology
- The laws in expertise
- Neuropsychological and morphopsychological aspects of writing
- Expert operations
- The signature and initials
- The will
- Validity of the document
- Anonymography
- Impediments to writing
- Writing personality disorders
The evaluation questionnaires can be consulted at the teaching secretariat
Design and delivery of professional training courses - EA37
Design, delivery and monitoring of training in asynchronous and synchronous mode with the formagione web application.